Monday, September 04, 2006

Oatmeal Crunch

Took a break for a road trip - 2600 miles in 6 days - woohoo! After several days of various dumb things (mostly at souvenir gift shops, so they don't really count as DUMB as much as kitschy), I was smacked by the height of dumbness when I turned on the TV at home.

A commercial came on showing a woman laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, obviously unable to sleep because she was "Torn Between Two Lovers." She wandered downstairs and into the kitchen, where she is confronted by her dilemma - a box of oatmeal and a box of cluster crunch cold cereals. What is she to do? How will she go on? Is there a way to reconcile this forbidden love of two different cereals?

Of course there is! All she has to do is look from her own tragically blue lit kitchen over to the next door neighbor's house. There in their technicolor warmth, they are eating Quaker Oatmeal Crunch! They have found the answer, those smart and together people. They have oatmeal that comes with little packets of crunchies to sprinkle on top and all is well with the world.

Nevermind that the answer to the tormented woman's problems is SITTING ON THE FREAKING COUNTER, she could never ever figure out that she could just make some oatmeal and then sprinkle some crunchies from her big box on top. She might end up with extra cold cereal and that would be too confusing. She might have to figure out the number of servings of oatmeal per box vs the number of sprinkle servings of cold cereal per box and do some wacky lowest common denominator crap to figure out how to even everything out. Could she ever live with the anxiety of having mismatched servings? Ever? It'd be MADNESS!

I can't believe this one made it past the first test group, but I guess it just speaks to the idiocy that they know we'll buy. How inspiring.


Blogger Chris Illuminati said...


6:38 PM  

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